Vicksburg CIA is inviting you to a board meeting. Join us in person at the clubhouse or join us on Zoom Meeting ID: 826 6770 6160 --- One tap mobile +13462487799,,82667706160# US (Houston)
Vicksburg CIA is inviting you to a board meeting. Please join us in person at the clubhouse or join us on Zoom Meeting ID: 851 9573 1027 --- One tap mobile +13462487799,,85195731027# US (Houston)
Vicksburg CIA is inviting you to a board meeting. Please be advised that we're planning to go closed session shortly after the meeting begins. The next open meeting is scheduled for February 18th at 7pm. If you have any questions,... Continue Reading →
Vicksburg CIA is inviting you to a board meeting. If you have any questions, join us in person at the clubhouse or join us via Zoom. If you're unable to make it to the meeting, please send your questions to... Continue Reading →
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