Your Board Members of Vicksburg

Brent Taylor


Michael Hagen

Vice President

Kevin Nygren


Bill Johns


Al Christopher

Sergeant at Arms

The next Association Meeting will take place soon to be announced at the clubhouse.
All neighbors are welcome. All residents in good standing may vote.

Please email your HOA Board

  • to report violations of covenant and/or deed restrictions
  • if you want to rent the Clubhouse, chairs and/or tables
  • you would like to have the recent Board Meeting Minutes
  • if you are making changes to your property (approval needed from ACC)
  • you need keys to Gates in the back of our subdivision

or if you have any issues or new ideas for our subdivision you want to talk about Realtors/Title/Mortgage Companies: There is a $150 transfer fee to be paid to Vicksburg CIA, 403 Cannon Ball Dr., Spring TX 77380 for sales, resales and refinances.

Home Owners Association Board
Event Committee
Architectural Control Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

Report a Street Light Outage

Please go to centerpointenergy to report a Street Light Outage.
​When reporting, you will be asked to provide: ​​​

  • A pole number for the non-functioning lights you want to report
  • Contact information (in case more information is needed to locate a street light)
  • An e-mail address (if you want feedback regarding your repair request)
  • The number of street lights you would like to report

Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

If you are making changes to the external part of your property, you will need approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). This is to ensure that the work is completed in a timely manner in accordance with the deed restrictions. Contact any of the following if you have questions relating to your projects.

Tamara Dadarria 832-202-7653
Jennifer Myers 713-899-7699
Brent Taylor

Please submit all plans and specifications for any construction, alteration or improvements to your property. You can view or download the application. It will require a 20 days notice for decisions.
Please see Vicksburg Covenant/Deed Restrictions, Section 3 for specific details.

Important: Before starting construction see the SMCMUD website or contact SMCMUD, if their approval is required for your project. If it is required fill out a Site Modification Application and submit it with supporting documentation.

Board Meeting Minutes

If you would like to obtain a copy of the Vickburg Community Improvement Association (VCIA) Board Meeting Minutes please email us [email protected] or attend our next meeting – we´re happy to welcome you.


You can rent the following from your HOA by leaving a small deposit:

  • Clubhouse
  • Chairs and/or Tables

Email [email protected] for availability.
View or download rental agreement

Keys to the Gates (playground & back of the subdivision)

Please email [email protected] to obtain a key. Include your contact information and address.
You need to fulfill following requirements:

  • make sure you are up to date on dues
  • please be a responsible – the gates are locked for our security
  • make sure the gate is locked after you entered

You are required to be a VCIA member in good standing. The first key is at no charge. Any additional key or replacement key will cost $20. These keys should not be duplicated. 

Trash Pickup

Trash Company: Best Trash 281-313-2378
Trash Pickup: 7 am, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Recycling pickup: Tuesdays. Click here for list of items that can be recycled.

Heavy trash/bulk item pickup.

Branches and tree trimmings must be bundled and tied in 4-ft lengths no heavier than 50 lbs.

The following items can not be picked up: Dirt, construction debris, waste generated by a private contractor (remodeling, landscaping), Rocks, motor oil, cooking oil, gasoline, bricks, tile, concrete, liquid paint, fertilizer, chemicals, tires.
Any question about item, contact Best Trash or check their website.